For 3 years this specialist relied upon hard work and patience.
The academe is indebted to Dr. Aquilino Enriquez for crafting the formula to success. He was awarded by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP) Inc. for leading experts in making the accreditation instrument for 42 BSIT programs used nationwide .Having a quality degree program that produces top-caliber graduates and top-of-the-line services to the community it serves are some of the major considerations of the agency.
It was after AACCUP requested a representative from CTU to join the major convention in 2012 for the purpose of formulating standards. Fortunately, then university president, Dr. Bonifacio S. Villanueva, endorsed the 6-year senior AACCUP accreditor.
The team carried out the initial steps with Dr. Enriquez as the team leader. As such he guided them in a series of meetings for the Outcomes-based Quality Assurance (OBQA) instrument to be materialized which began in 2012. They convened in different locations such as Iloilo, Cagayan, and Davao where SUCs are located. The privilege toattend the BOR meeting was Dr. Enriquez’ opportune time to join in the finalization of the instrument in CTU Danao. The BOR members deliberated on the endorsement of the instrument to the AACCUP BODY for CHED’s approval for patenting. It was only in January this year when the final output was patented. The process lasted three years , but it is worth the wait.
How It Works
The instrument is now available and is used by all AACCUP accreditors for BSIT Programs nationwide. Applicants have to apply for Preliminary survey , Level I up to Level IV depending on the current status of the specific program/s to be assessed. The last two levels offer 2 phases such that based on record 23 out of 120(applicants) passed Level IV, Phase 1. Laoag State University ,for example, passed Level IV , Phase 2.
The Specialist’s Track
Dr. Enriquez is not new to this line of work. He has been an accreditor since 2002 and has been promoted as senior accreditor for six years now. He is assigned to look intothe following degree programs: Doctor of Technology , Ph.D.TM, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology . He also accredits some offerings in the master’s level.
Being CTU-Danao’s former Campus Director, he also forged the deal with Baengnyeong Middle School via Mr. Park Sung to accommodate Koreans interested in enhancing their English language proficiency. It goes with supplementing the ever-increasing demand for OJTs in one of Cebu’s major economic zones, MITSUMI, as he laid the foundation for CTU-Danao – Mitsumialliance that has operated up to now.
As a present member of CTU-Main’s College of Technology, he continues the art of teaching in the field of Engineering Technology.