By Prof. Johanna Pablo, CoEd Publication Chair
The College of Education(CoEd) has been forging alliances with universities abroad. Recently, Dr. Cecilia Elena P. De Los Reyes, dean, sealed the deal with Black Hills State University, third largest comprehensive public institution in South Dakota, U.S.A. Dr. Tom Jackson Jr., BHSU president, visited CTU early this year to officially sign the agreement for partnership with CTU.
As agreed upon, the two universities shall offer Diploma in Professional Education in Secondary Teaching, Diploma in Early Childhood Education, Diploma in Special Education, Bachelor of Elementary Education (General Content, Early Childhood Education and Special Education),Bachelor of Secondary Education (Mathematics, English, Science, and Technology and Livelihood Education)and Master in Education (Special Education and Early Childhood Education).
Strengthening the international linkages in the College of Education is imperative in sustaining the undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Responding to the ASEAN agenda, CTU and BHSU continue to expand the services in allowing more clients to realize academic pursuits and further the goals in the field of education through Distance Learning.