Murray spurs exchange program

Murray State University (MSU) and CTU signed the Cooperative Agreement on February  12th  this year to push for   an Exchange Program at MSU in Kentucky, U.S.A.

CTU  President Dr. Rosein A.  Ancheta Jr. and MSU President Dr. Bob Davies   were the primary signatories to the agreement along with CTU Vice President (for Research and Development)   Dr. Gloria G. Delan and MSU Interim Provost and Vice President (for Academic Affairs) Dr. Timothy S. Todd.

As part of the agreement, 30 students from the home institution will be admitted at MSU which provides financial aid   of 3300USD per student in the form of amount reduction in ESL tuition, regular tuition and housing. The host institution shoulders   a total of 99000USD for 30 CTUnians   who qualify through direct admission. Those  who do not meet the required TOEFL score for direct admission can apply for the MSU ESL Program.

Any applicant (student/staff)  from CTU duly nominated by   the institution   may avail of the scholarship despite the lack of English language proficiency. Hence, successful individuals  attend the Murray State ESL Program   during the first semester before any chance to choose a degree program at MSU is afforded, provided that a grade requirement of 475+ in the institutional TOEFL regularly administered by the host institution   is met.  Established  admission   criteria for international   students is also considered.

The cost per student   for one academic year is 16,815USD exclusive of books and health insurance but inclusive of , among others, Welness Center fee. It is one of the venues where CTU transfer student/staff could mingle well with MSU population. Non-discrimination statement in the agreement ensures both parties that reasonable accommodation  and equal access to all programs and activities in the host institution.

Article 7 specifies that programs (under the agreement)   will be coordinated through the Institute for International Studies for MSU and Research and Development Office for CTU.

Both institutions promote a systematic exchange of academic and professional staff and students (as one of the objectives) to uphold the benefits of collaboration in instruction, research and other scholarly activities.

MSU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, master’s, specialist, and doctorate degrees. (UPO)