Raking gold at regionals: CTU makes massive win

CTU Vice President for Research Gloria G. Delan(right) receives the championship trophy at the awarding ceremony.
CTU Vice President for Research Gloria G. Delan (right), CTU-Carmen Campus Director Servando Bernante (left) and CTU-Danao Campus Director Rose Mary Almacen receive the championship trophy at the awarding ceremony.

Cebu Technological University proved that rain or shine gold is never hard to find. With 150 gold medals, players showed how fired up they were   to champion the  2016 Regional SCUAA Games concluded on January 11, Wednesday.

The University Sports Director Nemia F. Zamora quipped: “The event was very successful even though we were struck by Typhoon Auring. All games were finished successfully and we are the champion!”

Athletes,event coordinators and officials suffered from blinding drops of rain, ankle-deep tracks, and ghastly wind. But they were nothing to  those who would want to visit Batangas come February for the nationals.

Dr. Zamora was honest about what transpired though: “A couple of hindrances were the delayed arrival of some players from Pilar Campus of BISU…but still we were able to finish it… . Boxing was quite delayed but still we were able to make it. In swimming… we had a special session and we just got there on time.”

Though impediments posed threat to many athletes, the svelte trophy was the key motivation to go for number 1. Athletes proved the Olympian spirit as the beacon of triumph gradually unfolded by the end of each event.

CTU was relentless in volleyball (men and women), table tennis (women), sepak takraw (men), softball, lawn tennis (women),football, chess (men), beach volleyball (men), basketball (men and women), baseball (men), and badminton (men and women). A majority of wins also came from swimming, arnis, athletics, and Tae-kwon-do in several categories.

The team makes preemptive strike to make the home run.
 The football team makes a way out to hit first place.
Despite getting caught up in a skirmish, the captain sees the job done for the win.
Defying gravity, CTU Team grabs the dominant victory over BISU.
Defying gravity, CTU Team grabs the dominant victory over BISU.
The athlete gains momentum in the javelin throw event.

A matter of coordination and obedience to the laid out plans before January  8th   kept the whole squad of CTU  active in aiming for the gold. CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta’s presence during the opening, Sunday night, must have had a huge impact to  the entire  delegation.

Official medal tally shows 150 gold, 68 silver and 30 bronze medals for CTU; 82 gold, 44 silver, and 30 bronze medals for CNU; and 26 gold, 115 silver and 59 bronze medals for BISU.

A majority of players would come from CTU to represent Region 7 in the nationals.

Sepak Takraw Team is ready to take their maiden trip to the nationals.
Sepak Takraw Team is ready to take their maiden trip to the nationals.

All four institutions were up for the real goal—camaraderie . At the awarding ceremony, appreciation to the accomplishments of other teams was strongly felt as applauses filled the room.

The hype to compete in the next level is far more expressed in the smiles and confidence athletes had shown on the last day of the event. (UPO)

CTU winners




University Sports Director Nemia F. Zamora (front row, first from left) joins CTU dignitaries and coaches at the culmination of the week-long SCUAA Games hosted by CTU Danao and CTU Carmen.
University Sports Director Nemia F. Zamora (front row, first from left) joins CTU dignitaries and coaches at the culmination of the week-long SCUAA Games hosted by CTU Danao and CTU Carmen.