“Hard work plus prayers equals success,”—-a mantra keeping one of Cebu Technological University’s busiest leaders’ momentum going.
Cebu Technological University Director for Quality Assurance [for AACCUP] Dr. Hedeliza A. Pineda is grateful for the opportunity to be the newest member of the Board of Trustees of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP).
The organization’s BOT is comprised of presidents, vice presidents or chancellors (category 1), deans or directors (category 2) and faculty (category 3).
Dr. Pineda, who belongs to category 2, earned 18 points from SUC presidents in the Visayas region.
Some of the qualifications boosting her portfolio include: current designation allows service (to AAACCUP) of at least 50% of her 2-year term as member of the Board; full support from the SUC president; and a registered participant in the 2017 AACCUP Annual National Conference.
With the result given early in February, she escaped the pressure and told: “I feel happy because of the trust of the presidents who voted for me.”
Cooperating with the agency for quite a number of years now, she takes pride in allowing institutions to take on better shape in the pursuit of quality education.
“I feel the role is very challenging considering that I represent three regions (VI, VII and VIII)… . I am looking forward to serving AACCUP fairly … ,” she added.
Moreover, Dr. Pineda shared how she, with the administration’s full support, managed to accomplish the university’s recent position among other state-run institutions in terms of the number of programs accredited in the last 2 years.
She explained how remarkable the challenge was in 2015 when CTU only ranked no. 7, which became the reason why the university sits at a comfortable place this year— a top spot earned for the 75 degree programs accredited.
Continuing to work for the university’s progress, Dr. Pineda serves as chair of Pure Sciences Department and associate dean for Sciences of the College of Arts and Sciences at CTU Main Campus. UPO