5th Philippines TRAIL Summer Camp: CTU named host institutional partner

Chosen as host institutional partner (HIP), the Cebu Technological University Main rose up to the challenge of making the 5th Philippines Transformative Approaches to Innovation Leadership (TRAIL) Summer Camp a success.

Primarily, the university provided the resource speaker to elaborate on best practices on campus development and student services listened to by some 400 young and adult leaders from 80 higher educational institutions(HEIs) and organizations across the country.

Guided by the principles of transformational leadership, the camp zeroed in on specific, individual, and team-based exercises to give trainees the taste of “learning by doing” and “learning while having fun” from April 19 through 23 in Pinamungahan, Cebu.

CTU Main Campus Director Januario L. Flores Jr. appreciated the SSG’s collaboration with the participants in that it successfully handled the offsite breakout session for the adult leaders program at one of the campus’ training facilities. Local coordination was executed well as there were no miscues reported.

Benjie Oberes, SSG president and  a member of the Youthlead Philippines (YLP), particularly senior staffer 3, expressed how satisfying the camp was.

“I feel so privileged to have been given the opportunity to be part of this one of a kind experience. This … leadership training helped equip young and adult leaders the knowledge to build confidence and to be a responsible leader,” he added.

The event was organized by the Youthlead Philippines (YLP), in collaboration with the Philippines Trailers Society. More support came from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Department of Education (DepEd) and National Youth Commission (NYC).

The camp aims at equipping youth and adult leaders with the right skills and values to make their leadership styles and skills more meaningful and effective, using transformative approaches. Kezia Mae Laureno, UPO Contributor