MCIAA makes another round with ICRM Center

MOA signing of 2017Project2
CTU and MCIAA agree on another project after the turnover of the 2016 survey results on April 7.

Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA) sent “notice to proceed” for  the “One (1) Lot-SM 6 Stakeholders’ Satisfaction Rating Qualitative Study for Passengers & Concessionaires Satisfaction Survey” to Cebu Technological University-Integrated Coastal Resources Management (CTU-ICRM) Center on April 12,2017 after turnover ceremony of previous project  took place on April 7.

One after another, research projects keep falling into place, signifying the CTU-ICRM Center’s  progressive cause.

With an approved budget of P1,806,144.00,the center is given one year to finish the project.

It was the second time the university received notice from MCIAA, following the one on 2016 Customer Satisfaction Survey of Mactan Cebu International Airport (MIA) amounting to P833,672.00.

Atty. Steve Y. Dicdican, MCIAA general manager and CEO, awarded last year’s project to Dr. Rachel Luz V. Rica, project leader and CTU-ICRM Center director.

The administration led by Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. is fortunate to be  the third party in knowing the extent of satisfaction of clients being critical observers of Cebu’s customer service package at the international airport.

from left: Dr. Rachel Luz V. Rica, Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta, Atty. Steve Y. Dicdican, Dr. Mary Ann M. Dimabayao (MCIAA PIO), and Dr. Gloria G. Delan
from left: Dr. Rachel Luz V. Rica, Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta, Atty. Steve Y. Dicdican, Dr. Mary Ann M. Dimabayao (MCIAA PIO), and Dr. Gloria G. Delan

MCIAA’s annual conduct of the survey makes CTU a key player in making the Queen City a tourist hub through its gateway manned by highly trained personnel.

Overseeing research and development progress in the university is Vice President Gloria G. Delan, who has been acting as program leader in aforesaid projects. UPO