LUCE getting bigger with newest partner

from left: JCI – Cebu members, Data-Phil representative, Cognizant Community Outreach Team and CTU Director for Climate Change Center
from left: JCI – Cebu members, Data-Phil representative, Cognizant Community Outreach Team and CTU Director for Climate Change Center

Cognizant Technology Solutions is the newest partner of the Light Up Cebu (LUCE)  Project, which was recently launched at the national level, making its advocacy for solar lights for school children in the entire archipelago a much anticipated success.

The company’s community outreach services center on assisting school children through clean energy. July 13 marked the the second collaboration between Cognizant Technology Solutions and LUCE Pproject initiated by Cebu Technological University Climate Change Center Director Mydah Kabingue.

Plans streamlined for LUCE included a series of trainings. The knowledge transfer sessions  facilitated by the project’s technical partner DataPhil Technology Educators intend to maximize the skills of the  next batch of solar installers who are students  of  CTU.

Per agreement, Cognizant and CTU will monitor the impact of these solar lights on the households in the former’s adopted barangays in Bantayan Island and Kinatarcan Island.

Other supporters of said meeting were representatives from JCI-Cebu and DataPhil.   Office of the CTU  Director for Climate Change Center