F-1 visa, health insurance coverage, employment, culture adjustment, safety and security and academic requirements were highlighted during the internationalization seminar at Cebu Technological University Main, portraying a mindful attitude toward ASEAN’s direction.
In an effort to disseminate the essence of the university’s global presence, the forum on August 1 through 3 clinched the series of conventions in the satellite campuses.
The discussion gave sophomores and juniors the idea that internships abroad make great achievements for those who are determined to experience a new environment.
In UPO’s visit to satellite campuses, students showed high regard for their future as manifested in questions raised from time to time.
Agencies present in the forum were First Place, Inc., International Association for Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE), Smith and Lasola Visa Exchange Solutions, and WETALK, Inc.
Originally scheduled in June, the activity had to go with the new academic calendar that started in July. UPO