UK scholar presents water engineering research

Dr. Robert M. Difilippo (4th from right) of Loughborough University in UK tells CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. (C) of potential sustainability project that could be worked out  in the northern islands of Cebu Province.

Robert M. Difilippo of the School of Civil and Building Engineering of Loughborough University in the United Kingdom informed faculty and students on his water engineering research at Cebu Technological University Main on August 14, 2017.

Positive about the outcome of the project, CTU President Dr. Ancheta Jr. expressed his support to Dr. Difilippo to benefit the communities in the northern parts of Cebu (Bantayan, Sta. Fe and Madridejos).

Dr. Difilippo would then monitor the effects of salt water intrusion on the freshwater lens through the application of Freshwater Lens Assessment Protocol. Various wells in the province would also be examined and developmental activities are expected.

Furthermore, future partnership with Loughborough University was also tackled to engage CTU researchers. Office of the University Director for Internationalization and Integration.