Professor awarded at STEM regional training

One of Cebu Technological University’s  delegates Prof. Cecile A. Sadili teamed up with Asian College of Technology (ACT) representatives to work on a lesson plan (applying the inquiry-based pedagogy) on  genetic engineering which later proved excellent after the award was given.

In the spirit of collaborative learning, teachers from regions 7 and 8 participated in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Teacher’s Training on September 19 through 21 for the creation of lesson exemplars.

“The STEM training is very informative. We can get a lot of ideas on how to create integrated learning through applying STEM skills,” said Prof. Sadili. She also mentioned that knowledge in these subject areas is significant to revolutionize teaching-learning process.

The 3-day workshop included a panel discussion on applying the STEM skills. The 5E learning cycle—engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evolution—were applied in making the outputs.

STEM allows  learners to be more innovative. With this teaching-learning process, students may benefit a lot especially during the full implementation of the K-12 program next year. KML