University researcher presents paper through CHED travel grant

Dr. Renissa S. Quinones (L) and Dr. Charena J. Castro present studies capitalizing on food technology at the 15th ASEAN Food Conference in Vietnam.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) travel grant made possible CTU Director for Production Renissa S. Quinones’  presentation of her study,”Innovation, Extension, and Commercialization of Calcium-Enriched Gluten-Free Flour Blends Initiatives”  in Vietnam.

Scientists, researchers, managers, entrepreneurs and consumers from 10 ASEAN member states collaborated to exchange results, exhibit products, and develop technologies at the International Scientific Research Paper Presentation as part of the 15th ASEAN Food Conference on November 14 through 17, 2017.

CTU academics Dr. Charena J. Castro and Dr. Hubert Quiñones also echoed findings on ” Sensory Qualities and Composition of Carrot-Enriched Tuna Hash” and “Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Qualities of Virgin Coconut Oil” respectively.

The event highlighted significant  innovations in food science and technology. It also addressed issues in ASEAN food economy such as technical barrier to trade, regulations, food safety policies and food security. 

Vietnam Institute of Agriculture Engineering and Post harvest Technology (VIAEP) and Vietnam Association of Food Science and Technology (VAFoST) were major sponsors aided by the ASEAN Committee of Science and Technology (ASEAN COST), Japan – ASEAN Integration Fund, Federation of the Institutions on Food Science and Technology in ASEAN (FIFSTA), International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).KML