CTU Tuburan— BS Agriculture major in Horticulture student Carmela Suansing spent one month in Indonesia—from February 21 through March 21—to know more about her inclination at the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Tropical Biology.
“I learned how to make, cook, and sterilize media; sterilize explants and bottles; subculture; and transplant,” said Suansing, citing the processes inherent in tissue culture which allows the growth of cells and tissues away from an organism.
Her stay was made more enjoyable with visits to other facilities—“They also brought me to different laboratories: Entomology, Biotechnology, Herbarium, Remote Sensing and Ecology, Integrated, Silviculture, and Phytopathology.”
Working on mushroom production and aqua culture, the SEAMEO BIOTROP is one of the 17 centers created by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization established in 1965 following the signing of SEAMEO Charter by seven (7) Southeast Asian countries.
“It was a great opportunity to be an intern at BIOTROP as they were very open to share their expertise to students.”
More openness was felt by College of Agriculture Dean Kent Marcial Catubis, who accompanied her to Indonesia, as he was able to have initial talks on a possible research partnership with them.
“Our meeting with the director to create linkage was very smooth and clear. They were very much interested to welcome students and faculty from our university to conduct researches in their center.”
Prof. Catubis could not help but notice some of the best things he wanted for CTU Tuburan future agriculturists to have.
“I was quite amazed with the center… .They have separate laboratory buildings (tissue culture, plant pathology, oil extraction laboratory, etc.) with state-of-the art facilities… . I think it is a very good avenue not just for the faculty but also for students in the fields of biology and agriculture to conduct research and/or internship. More so, they have a very nice dormitory with complete amenities (just like a modern house).”
The organization has been offering internship programs (that cover accommodation and meals) to graduate and undergraduate students in consonance with CHED stipulations dated June 07, 2017. ICPA/ASEAN Integration and Internationalization