Canadian HEI says ‘yes’ to partner with CTU

CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. (2nd from left) and other university officials see fruition of last year’s initial talks with University of Quebec professor (2nd from left) as they peruse the MoU signed by the University of Quebec president.

Two sessions in July and September last year with Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)  representative Dr. Michel Plaisent  made possible  the Canadian university’s positive response to CTU’s  request for linkage.

Following his visit on March 7, Dr. Plaisant explained to university officials the provisions  indicating a Master of Business Administration offering and the Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED) Program, which prompts ASEAN-member states to avail of the research and study opportunities in Canada.

On-the-job trainees are also benefiting with Dr. Plaisent’s project that pushes them to be more adept at manufacturing efficiency. ICPA/ASEAN Integration and Internationalization