Mayor Tomas “Tommy” Osmeña spoke to 26 associate graduates at the first commencement exercises of Cebu Technological University -Cebu City Mountain Extension (CCME), formerly CTU Bonbon Extension.
“Tomorrow must be better than today… . You practice and learn something new today so you’ll benefit from it tomorrow.”
His presence proved unwavering support to the newly established CTU extension, where students who are earnest in pursuing college find quality education most accessible.
Campus Director Patrobinson Salumag, who has served the College of Technology in CTU Main as one of the faculty members, offers two degree programs—Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT) major in Computer Technology and Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEED) major in Technology and Livelihood Education.
BS Information Technology and BS in Agriculture major in Horticulture are expected to lure clients in August . Dr. Salumag said, in an interview, that the anticipated MOA signing leading to such additions is set anytime this month. UICPA