CTU ranks 9th place in Agriculturist Exam

Jerwin Saya-Ang Zanoria of CTU Barili held on to 9th place with 85.67  in the June 2018 Agriculturist Licensure Examination.

Zanoria graduated magna cum laude in 2015 and had been granted an international engagement. Asked on the delay of taking the exam he said, “I have been hooked more on the agricultural production, and I felt unprepared for the test… .”

His decision to serve CTU after he finished his baccalaureate  degree paid off, as spending time with mentors in the research facility has pushed him to strive for more undertakings relative to his inclination.

Resorting to  self-review once he got home after work in summer, he felt satisfied as  overseeing a big research project was his priority.

CTU Barili is one of the  top performing schools in the ALE for having attained at least 80 % passing rate, which CTU President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. lauded much on Monday night after hearing the news that  has given the university another major accomplishment. ICPA Barili