The Mechatronics and Robotics Society of the Philippines (MRSP) midyear Conference is up for Industry 4.0. This has conjured everyone into asking what the future could be when everything gets SMART—-SMART Building, SMART City, SMART parking, SMART streetlight, SMART bus stops, SMART garbage bins, etc.— just when 4.0 is overcome.
CTU Main Mechatronics Dept. chair Mario Rebucas got his students to taking a glimpse of what lies beyond the 4.0 world (digital transformation age) elaborated on by keynote speakers, who underscored some of the best practices in first-world countries.
Society 5.0. is simply what speakers have to lobby each time the 4.0 environment is reached, knowing that the requisite for the super smart society is, nonetheless, the ones gradually implemented now by the Philippine government.

The Internet of Things (IoT) was another core topic at the gathering, which prompted Rebucas and company to look into its principles. He learned that “70% of the IoT devices are prone to hacking other than problems related to transport encryption and wireless connectivity cost among many.”
Top 10 AI technology trends for 2018 were also shared as: Deep Learning Theory, capsule networks, deep reinforcement learning, generative adversarial networks, lean and augmented data learning, probabilistic programming, hybrid learning models, automated machine learning (AutoML), digital twin, and explainable AI.
He said in a statement that: “the inputs are necessary to stabilize BS Mechatronics.” Hence, he hopes to send students to different platforms, be it competition or workshop.”
“They need to benchmark on various technical researches from other universities and … hear good speakers from top institutions abroad… . Exposure of the student outside … can boost their morale and can develop their leadership skills as well.” Mechatronics Dept./UICP