DA 7 entrusts CTU Tuburan with 6-million ‘Yolanda-fund’

CTU Tuburan campus director Pedrito C. Pontillas (L) and CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta Jr. receive the fund from the Department of Agriculture.

Region 7 Director Marina T. Hermoso of the Department of Agriculture handed to CTU President Rosein Ancheta Jr. the 6-million rehabilitation fund specifically for Tuburan campus on November 21, 2018 at CTU Main.

For  Yolanda-struck communities, the government has given out financial support for their rehabilitation such that those residents in the northern part of Cebu could be given the means to get by the circumstance that severely hit the province in 2013.

The Yolanda Recovery and Rehabilitation Program (YRRP) chose  CTU  Tuburan to deliver sustainable livelihood training programs, essentially ensuring the agricultural  sector with experts from said campus.

Campus research chair  Marcial Kent Catubis  leads in providing such trainings related to the dispersed planting materials and livestock such as cacao, coffee, goats, swine and others.

“This will lead to sustainable and strong commitment towards excellence. It’s a result of collaboration among members of the organization. Indeed, this is another blessing to CTU Tuburan to be an instrument to help and be of help,” said campus director Pedrito C. Pontillas.     Angen May Fabro-Charcos/UICPA TUBURAN