Infrastructure development couldn’t seem to falter while CTU President Rosein A. Ancheta takes the wheel, bringing the university to an unprecedented maneuver in its history especially with ongoing projects (started last year) that accounted for over 500 million and another 150 million for the first quarter this year.
Infrastructure Director Alex Mayor currently oversees CTU Main’s 9-storey administration building, which is by far the biggest project among those in the 24 campuses.

CHED’s approval of Dr. Ancheta’s reappointment secures the fulfillment of the university’s crown jewel long sought, given the old building’s lack of structural viability that clearly suggested demolition.
Duros Development Corporation is expected to finish the 249,947,409-worth project by February next year, as the groundbreaking ceremony was done last month alongside the inauguration of the campus’ library.

With only a year to go, the administration certainly has a lot to give in terms of quality spaces for employees that are currently in the makeshift offices.
Moreover, Dr. Ancheta is banking on efficient construction of 2019 projects—Research & Academic Building (CTU Main) and Administration Building (CTU Danao) as well as gymnasium rehabilitation (Main Campus).
Simultaneous developments in all campuses exhibit Dr. Ancheta’s awareness on how a particular environment could influence one’s behavior toward catching up with significant objectives. UICPA