CTU Tuburan Fablab had been doing a great deal of innovations lately including modifying the character of the 2015 animated film, Minions, turning the popular yellow and blue to hot pink.
Apart from Minion, Groot of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has also come to terms with being in the industry 4.0 society when he cannot but be locked up in the ultimaker machine way before his minion friend to give him the image of sitting idly, guarding the pink character or waiting perhaps for his team to rescue him.
The manner of preparing for battle may not suit the typically courageous young fellow, but it suits well with the students who designed him in the campus’ facility.
CTU Tuburan established its fablab way before other CTU campuses had theirs.
The community’s SMEs have already benefited from the campus’ facility, especially with the trend on redesigning and rethinking all over the place. UICP