CTU Barili is looking at internship longevity as agriculture students form third batch to join others from across the globe this October through Agrostudies, the International Center for Agriculture Studies in Israel Ltd.
Previous groups were sent in September of last year and January of this year respectively, following MOA signing on April 23, 2018 between CEO Yaron Tamir and CTU President Rosein Ancheta Jr.

Reinforcing student mobility, the Commission on Higher Education Student Internship Abroad Program (CHED SIAP) encourages accredited organizations as Agrostudies that caters to different State Colleges and Universities in the Philippines for agri-based internship in Israel.
Interns approximately spend one year of research-based training while receiving free lodging, monthly allowance, and laptop.
The campus SIAP Coordinator Andrea Matildo credits the present administration for providing students with international experience on a par with the ongoing program in The Netherlands. Dr. Petroey Pascual