Redefining June 12: Tuburan campus director makes infra pattern

CTU Tuburan Campus Director Pedrito Pontillas (first from left) epitomizes development-oriented institution during inauguration and groundbreaking ceremonies on June 12, with CTU President Rosein Ancheta Jr. (third from left) and CHED 7 Director Maximo Aljibe (first from right).

CTU Tuburan Campus Director Pedrito  Pontillas has formed inauguration-groundbreaking pattern  each time the yearly commemoration of Independence Day comes up. Simply, this has become his own definition of liberation.

Dr. Pontillas did it again last month, having his reputation imbued with servitude in keeping  CTU President Rosein Ancheta Jr.’s  maxim,  with two projects emerging for inauguration and groundbreaking alongside celebration of the nation’s biggest holiday.

Newly opened was the facility for both the College of Engineering and the Information Technology Department, while that of the College of Education and Graduate Studies is underway and is expected to finish next year.

Dr. Ancheta and CHED 7 Director Maximo Aljibe remarkably cited, in their speeches, the incessantly growing attention of the campus director to the needs of  the clients such that the president’s  promise  to continue leading him and other campus directors is certain. ICPA Tuburan