“The BOR resolution which we have signed says it’s effective 10.2.2019,” said CTU Faculty Association President Adeline Purisima de la Cruz, in a statement.
Dr. dela Cruz was referencing the long-awaited NBC Cycle 7 implementation signed by the Board of Regents (BOR) on October 2, which banked on 2013 through 2016 evaluation thereby upgrading the faculty’s rank and compensation.
“But as to the date of releasing our salary increase, I cannot say when because it depends on how fast CTU can comply & submit the requirements to CHED, CSC, & DBM,” she added.
CTU is given only 60 days to complete the process at the rate of 20 days to each agency [Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Civil Service Commission (CSC) and Department of Budget and Management (DBM)], which implies that (if the whole duration applies), the remuneration adjustment may be expected starting mid-December of this year.
More importantly, she clarified on whether or not the raise will be retroactive to July as previously held by the majority.
“Contrary to our belief that it will be retroactive July, I’m sorry, but due to CSC rules and regulations, it cannot be so.” No matter how I bargained, it cannot be so, because to do so is like going against CSC, and DBM might not release the funds.”
De la Cruz and CTU NBC Cycle 7 focal person Eugene Ermac both confirmed the signing of the resolution. UICP