CTU opens Internet of Things (IoT) lab

President Rosein Ancheta Jr. assured Cebu Technological University (CTU) of its  position in modernizing the community resulting in a ‘hassle-free’ lifestyle , as he opened the Internet of Things (IoT) Innovation Laboratory on October 17 in CTU Main.

IoT simply seeks to enhance the way of living through data transfer over a highly diverse network of computing devices or digital tools with unique identifiers (UIDs).

The facility is one of  the projects facilitated by Yoshiyuki Morgan Habuka of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), receiving strong support from JICA Phil. Chief Yoshio Wada at the ceremony.

Among the participants were faculty and staff of the College of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and  Center for Sustainable Energy and Technology Management, who had first-hand information on JICA’s mandate with respect to the university’s vision. AIA/UICP