Propelling virtual world: Webinar sessions conducted for ERASMUS+ FRIENDS Project

Cebu Technological University (CTU) joined a series of Webinar (seminar conducted online) sessions in July and August of this year by  ERASMUS+ FRIENDS Project partner universities as Istanbul Aydin University in Turkey Silesian University of Technology  in Poland, Varna University of Management in Bulgaria, and  Budapest Metropolitan University in Hungary.
Internationalization and ASEAN Integration chairpersons and CTU Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers were lectured on internationalization of formal curriculum,virtual mobility, and cultural diversity and intercultural engagement.
CTU is  the only state university in the Philippines taking part  in the second web conference of FRIENDS.
The European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS) + Furthering International Relations Capacities and Intercultural Engagements to Nurture Campus Diversity and to Support Internationalization at Home (FRIENDS) Project is funded by a British Council for students and faculty exchange. IAI/UICP