Trimeet 2019 and Angara Cup would test who among the athletes from different CTU campuses deserve a spot at the regionals in Februrary of 2020.
CTU President Rosein Ancheta Jr. in his speech stressed on the major push players needed to overcome both events, as a way of preparing for the 2019 Regional State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association Games, where CTU is a consistent champion. Merging Angara Cup and Trimeet (comprising the north, south and central cells of CTU campuses) began last year, which positively impacted players moving to the regional SCUAA games.

The president’s clear stance about defending regional championship was clear to coaches and athletes at the Ramon M. Durano Sports Complex during the opening ceremony. Delegates have been quite familiar, since he became president in 2015, with his iteration on the value of winning in sports competitions.
Senator Sonny Angara’s representative also delivered a welcome speech that centered on the spirit of competition which encouraged all participants to enjoy whatever unfolds in the tournament.
Complementing the drive for a winning routine, PE students dynamically infused the climate with green hand props as they led the solidarity dance—a signification of a healthy engagement among CTU main, satellite and extension campuses.
Karatedo gold medalist James Mangubat from central cell led athletes in taking Oath of Amateurism after Dr. Ancheta officially declared both events open.
The program concluded with four table tennis national qualifiers– Arvin Dave, Jell Andrade, Frances Noel Carvajal and John Paul Mahilan – lighting the torch.
CTU Sports Director Nemia Zamora’s trajectory this year is that of looking for the best talents again that could sustain victory even beyond the regionals.
On Friday, officials will declare the winners in 24 events (with male and female categories except for boxing and softball)—— athletics, arnis, archery, badminton, baseball, basketball, 3-on-3 basketball, beach volleyball, chess, dance sports (Latin and standard), football, futsal, karatedo, tennis, pencak silat, sepak takraw, swimming, table tennis, tae-kwon-do, volleyball and Mr. & Ms SCUAA. The Working Hand Correspondent