Info Tech Team wins  Central Visayas Pitching Challenge

Coach Noreen Fuentes (6th from left) receives award as CTU champions  the Central Visayas Innovation Pitching Challenge.

Information technology students aced the Central Visayas Innovation Pitching Challenge on February 13, 2020.

CTU bested five others—- University of Cebu (UC) Main, Holy Name University (HNU), Asian College of Technology (ACT), the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (UCLM), and Cebu Institute of Technology-University (CIT-U).

Contributing hugely were Paul Angelo Soltero, Joseph Kerr Estay, and Michael Sultones, who garnered 55.67 % average score over 50.67% of CIT-U at the final round.

Innovative solutions to some of the world’s IT problems received much credit from the judges, reiterating the vital involvement of IT practitioners in the academe, industry and government.

The Philippine Society of Information Technolgy (PSITE) 7 organized the event designed toward promoting quality information technology education and encouraging IT students to be creative.Ale Taneo