Looking ahead to next year, CTU Barili expects a much improved service to stakeholders once the College of Agriculture and Technology building is completed.
Last month’s groundbreaking ceremony for the 43-million, 3-storey facility marked the campus’ decisive bid for quality education directly affecting various areas of agriculture.
The project is most certainly pushed to complement the science and technology laboratory constructed in 2017, given the university mandate to provide a better venue in creating innovations for crop science, animal science, soil science, agricultural economics, food science and technology, agricultural engineering and agricultural communication.
With the college’s impact on communities constantly measured, all the more that a quality space is expected for a holistic treatment of the entire agriculture system of production, post-production, community development, and marketing.
Moreover, it will also serve as a laboratory for house farm machinery fabrication, food engineering, and food processing apart from multi-media development area and classrooms. The automatic weather station will soon be accommodated at its roof deck.
Optimized utilization of space for the aforesaid purposes is of significance particularly to Center for Studies in Biotechnology manager Marjohn Niño, who iterated that sharing of resources sustains the core values of an agriculturist. /Danny Carabio/ICPA Barili