BOR okays OJT guidelines in the new normal

The Board of Regents approved of the proposed on-the-job training (OJT) guidelines presented by University Director for Curriculum Planning and Development Cristie Ann Jaca on October 29, 2020.

As per Resolution No. 254, 2020, “A Resolution Approving the Guidelines on the Implementation of On-the-job Training Programs in the New Normal,” the adoption and alignment of alternative activities need to adhere to the CHED COVID-19 advisories and IATF health protocols.

With the implementation of the flexible learning system, the Cebu Technological University provided proposed alternative activities such as the virtual mode or blending learning.

Some alternative activities included modules, self-directed learning activities, case studies, online skills training, webinars, event organizing, news writing and creating promotional materials, and observing online classes.

However, practicum and internship for programs requiring  fieldwork, shopwork and operation of large machinery were suspended.

Practicumers would complete the online self-directed performance tasks for their OJT portfolio completion in accordance with the newly approved guidelines and advisories of concerned agencies. ccmr/rmmm