NSTP addresses mental health issues

As the COVID-19 pandemic takes its toll on student’s mental health at unprecedented levels, CTU Danao National Service Training Program (NSTP) organized a webinar, in partnership with the Guidance Office on February 28th and March 7th.

Bracing for what they consider a nationwide mental health epidemic, Guidance Counselor Mildred Malapongit invited guest speakers to talk about the topics: “Coping with Anxiety and Maintaining Positive Relationships in the Better New Normal” and “Netiquette and Cyberbullying.”

Almost 900 trainees including faculty members participated in the discussions to gain perspectives in keeping the mind healthy while dealing with online activities. 

The NSTP-CWTS has already laid down a series of webinars for  2021 in the interest of students, teaching and non-teaching personnel. Sarah Jane Colina/ICPA Danao