CTU receives PRIME-HRM bronze award

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) conferred CTU the bronze award for abiding by maturity level-2 guidelines of the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM).

As per CSC Resolution No. 2001089 dated December 23, 2020, the university has implemented its “process-defined HRM systems,” specifically the four core systems as recruitment, selection, and placement (RSP); performance management (PM); learning and development (L&D); rewards and recognition (R&P).

University President Rosein Ancheta Jr. receives the award during the online recognition rites of Promising PRIME-HRM Trailblazers on March 30th.

CSC classifies government agencies into four maturity levels: level 1 or transactional HRM, level 2 or process-defined HRM, level 3 or integrated HRM, and Level 4 or strategic HRM.

CTU HRM officer Janafin Almerino expressed gratitude in  a statement  to University President Rosein Ancheta Jr. for keeping the team motivated and in high spirits while doing all the paper works that led to CSC’s recognition.  /Ale Taneo/UICPA