Academic appointed member of Asia Association of Plant Scientists

Biotechnology Center Director Pet Roey Pascual of CTU Barili joined  29 other members of the executive council of  the Asia Association of Plant Scientists (AAPS) following his appointment in May.

Dr. Pascual’s research track leads him to becoming one of the non-profit scientific organization’s  representatives from various countries.

“Being the country representative of AAPS will give us more opportunity to promote the plant science programs (Agronomy and Horticulture) of Cebu Technological University. It will give our students, both graduate and undergraduate level, a wider reach,” said Pascual.

The association shall promote basic and applied aspects of plant science and life processes of plants to publish innovative and path-breaking results. It will participate in research congress and expand  membership in the Philippines./ Pet Roey Pascual/ICPA Barili