IAI promotes mobility at ATU-Net International Staff Week 2022

CTU Internationalization and ASEAN Integration (IAI) made its intentions clear to heighten mobility initiatives on the 3rd day of the International Staff Week 2022 organized by Asia Technological University Network (ATU-Net).

This year’s event themed Co-creating Transformative Internationalisation in Post-pandemic Asian Higher Education enabled keynote speakers Vice President for Academic Affairs Hedeliza Pineda and former University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) scholar Kent Marcial Catubis to emphasize the significance of student, faculty, and staff mobility in the postCovid-19 era.

Yesterday’s session convened more than 50 participants from non-member and member institutions— Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Suranaree University of Technology, and King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang in Thailand.

As of late, the IAI is opening doors to CTU constituents, Technologists, as key prospects./IAI