Cebu Technological University Argao Campus (CTU-AC) and the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) would offer Bachelor of Science in Psychology during the Academic Year of 2022-2023.
According to Dr. June Rey Villegas, Chairperson of the Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences, BS Psychology, adding this new program to the University will help the students in the province since this is the only state university that offers this program in the provincial districts.
He also pointed out that the college will surely hire qualified faculty and staff to provide proper education for the students, not just under the BS Psychology program but also in the other programs requiring teachers for specific courses.
Dr Villegas also assured that the CAS and the University will provide proper and extensive internship programs to produce competent graduates.
Dr. Villegas also acknowledged the support of Dr. Eingilbert C. Benolirao, CTU Argao Campus Director; Dr. Ma. Cristilina A. Montañez, CAS Dean; Dr. Luiscel Teofi E. Cabico, Chairperson of BA Literature, Dr. Fitzgerald C. Kintanar, Dean of the College of Education for defending the proposal before the Board of Regent; and all of the faculty and staff involved in the implementation of this program.
Further information regarding the admission requirements shall be posted soon by the College of Arts and Sciences.-Claire Dianne Matinao/Argao/CCM