CTU ranked in Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2022

The Cebu Technological University has been ranked in the latest Times Higher Education Impact Ranking Result 2022 announced in the THE official website on April 27, 2022.

Cebu Tech is among the Philippine Universities ranked in the recent Times Higher Education Impact Ranking; ranked 1000+.

Among the sustainable goals assessed, the indicators include gender equality (SDG 5), zero hunger (SDG 2), no poverty (SDG 3), partnerships for the goals (SDG 17).

This is the first time the university applied for this international ranking institution.

Times Higher Education World University Ranking assesses university performance on the global stage while the Times Higher Impact Rankings are the only global performance tables which assess universities including CTU against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Thus, this shows the persistence and determination of the university administrators, faculty and staff in contributing to the attainment of the UNESCO’s sustainable development goals.-Rowanne Marie Mangompit/UICPA

