CTU-Barili participated in the R’Cebu SumMAYrrific sa Third District held on May 20 – 22, 2022 at Robinson’s Galleria Cebu to showcase the products produced by its partner farmer associations in a DOST-funded project ‘From Backliners to Frontliners: Help a Farmer to Help Frontliners’.
Among the developed products displayed during the trade fair were
vitamote (sweet potato beverage), kamochi (sweet potato buchi), and kamoChips (sweet potato chips).
The products were produced by the Farmers’ Association from Barangay Balao, Dakit and Tubod, and Pangpang as assisted by CTU-Barili —through the funds of DOST.
CTU-Barili also established links with the Tourism Office and the Municipal Agriculture Office of Barili for the sustainability of the promotion of its products.
The project “From Backliners to Frontliners: Help a Farmer to Help Frontliners” is a one-year project which was implemented in September last year.
It aims to develop a sustainable food value chain tailored to serve the interests of the front-line workers while empowering the farm households economically amidst the pandemic. It was realized through the “Good Agri-Aqua Livelihood Initiatives towards National Goals (GALING)-PCAARRD Kontra CoViD-19 Program”.-Ivy Dematawaran and Valeria Pascual/ICPA Barili