CTU celebrates PAGPAAMBIT 2022 – Tales around the table: Food in Linguistics and Literature

Mrs. Louella Alix, the first resource speaker (center) together with the administrators and faculty of the Department of English and Literary Studies
photo credit: Almie Mata

Cebu Technological University celebrated the PAGPAAMBIT 2022, a lecture series on food in linguistics and literature last April 29, 2022 at the CTU Main Campus. 

The first part of PAGPAAMBIT was centered on folk wisdom in food by Mrs. Louella Alix, author, and food historian. She quoted, “Rice mitigates the saltiness”.

The certificate of Dr. Sofia Rudiger was presented by Dr. Sunliegh Gador, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Main Campus (center) with the following (L-R): Prof. Lochlan John Villacorte, Prof. Noah Acedo, Prof. Bejay Bolivar and Dr. Christian Ray Licen.

Meanwhile, the second part of PAGPAAMBIT talked about delicious meals and conversations – food and language in Youtube eating shows with the resource speaker from Germany, Dr. Sofia Rudiger, a linguist.

Their palatable talk described how food gives identity to a person and accentuates the uniqueness of its origin.

Moreover, the faculty and students from the Department of English and Literary Studies participated in the event via Zoom and Facebook livestreaming.

In accordance to the Proclamation No. 968 in 2015, the festivity served as a venue for conserving literary heritage, knowledge, and tradition.

This event was spearheaded by Dr. Christian Ray C. Licen, chairman of the Department of English and Literary Studies (DELS) and the task force committee led by Prof. Bejay Bolivar, chair of CAS Internationalization and ASEAN Integration and university director for curriculum planning and development.

Indeed, it was such an appetizing event for all technologists who took part in celebrating the PAGPAAMBIT 2022.-Gerard Octavio/BSDevcom Intern, Jessa Mahinay/BSDevcom Intern