CTU Naga conducts training on office application

training on office application with the youth in the city of Naga

On March 24-28, 2022, CTU Naga Extension Campus conducted a five-day training on office application with G-Suite and CSS COC-1 to youth recipients of Brgy. Tangke, City of Naga, Cebu at the COT Computer Laboratory.

Dr. Horteza taught MS Word and MS Powerpoint while Prof. Abrahem P. Anqui and Dr. Horteza demonstrated MS Excel.

Moreover, other topics were presented to the beneficiaries. Prof. Anqui showed the MS Publisher. Prof. Meriam A. Enaldo taught Google Suite, and Prof. Joefrey A. Cortes demonstrated the COC 1 PC assemble-disassemble, reformatting, and installation of Windows operating system.

The event concluded with the participants’ evaluations and impressions.

Indeed, it is another accomplishment of CTU Naga to extend its resources to the community which will undoubtedly empower the youth who will lead the city in the future.-Rumuela L. Wong/CCM, CTU Naga