The University Extension Office led by Dr. Lynnette Matea Camello, university director for Extension organizes a training on writing action research at the Summit Galleria Cebu on May 23-26, 2022.
The aims of this training were to capacitate extensionists in writing action research as evidence in crafting the relevant and impactful extension projects and convert their terminal reports into publishable papers. Then, these outputs would be submitted to peer-reviewed journals for review and publication.
Dr. Sylvester Cortes discussed the types, processes, models of action research and intoduced FINEMAPS in writing writing the research topic.
According to Dr. Cortes, “the action research topic (question) should be feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, relevant, manageable, appropriate, potential value and publishability, and systematic.
Dr. Ryan Urbano presented the ethical issues of research and the benefits of ethical review. He said, “interests of humans are more important than Science.”
All chairs of the Extension in all campuses and the representatives of the completed projects participated in the said training.
With the resource speakers, the other members of the training facilitators are Dr. Sunliegh Gador, Prof. Elven Lorca, Prof. Anne Lorca, Dr. Raamah Rosales, and Dr. Rowanne Marie Mangompit together with the staff.
The participants presented their outputs which would soon be presented and published.
Hence, this is the university extension’s initiative to produce publications from the extension projects.-Rowanne Marie Mangompit/UICPA