On June 9, 2022, the Department of Agriculture, in partnership with Cebu Technological University, organized a forum discussing the scholarship program currently offered by the Department of Agriculture “Agriculture Competitiveness Enhancement Fund – Grant-in-Aid in Higher Education Program” (ACEF – GIAHEP).
The forum was held at Cebu Technological University, attended by Mr. Irvin Narcisso, Dean of Student Affairs, Campus scholarship coordinators, and Mr. Gian Carlo Gealone, ACEF Secretariat. ACEF-GIAHEP is strictly only applicable for agriculture-related programs, covered under its scholarship program is the tuition, book allowance, and stipend for the student. Currently, the current record for scholars under ACEF-GIAHEP from state universities is 39, although the program might end this coming December, the representative from the Department of Agriculture ensured that the program would be extended since they have shown excellent results from its graduates.
The other purpose of the forum was to validate the status of DA ACEF-GIAHEP scholars for the state universities and colleges. Along with the discussion, they gathered the list of ACEF scholars from Batch 2 – 11 (graduate and graduating guarantees) while facilitating CTU Barili’s liquidation report for pending and succeeding payments on scholars under CHED and DA programs.
Words by Jim Harvey Ouano / ICPA