The Student Affairs Office (SAO) conducted a University-Wide Strategic Planning for the revision and final discussion of the Students Affairs and Services (SAS) and Student Affairs and Scholarship (SAS) Manual at Hagnaya Beach Resort, San Remigio Cebu, on July 6-8, 2022.
The three-day event was headed by Mr. Irvin Narsico, Dean of Student Affairs and Services, and attended by all student Life Deans/Directors and Scholarship Coordinators across the campuses.
The commencement of the activity was the message of Dr. Joecelle del Rosario, Daanbantayan SAO Director, on behalf of Dr. Ruben Ungui, the Campus Director.
After that was the keynote message delivered by Dr. Hedeliza A. Penida, the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, via zoom.
A round table discussion was conducted where they discussed the following agendum: Feedbacking the Liquidation of the TES and TDP-TES; Re-orientation in the Guidelines in Liquidating the TES and TDP-TES Administrative cost; Planning for the TES Grantees Congress as Suggested by Mr. Humabon Morallano, UniFast Regional Coordinator; Strategic planning A.Y. 2022-2023; Planning for the Q.S. University World Ranking Requirements; Final discussion on the Student Manual Revision in the Areas under Student Affairs and Services; Final Discussion on the Operational Manual of the Student Affairs and Scholarship; and other essential matters.
Furthermore, Atty. Marvey Arnoco, the Chief Admin Officer, gave her feedback concerning the students’ discipline in the Manual via google meet,
The three-day event was concluded with the continuation of the output presentation and the closing remarks of Dr. Collin Garrido, SAO-Director, CTU San Francisco Campus.
Words by Almie Mata