CTU prepares for AY 2022-2023

Cebu Technological University prepares for the start of classes on September 5, 2022; thus, the office of
Vice-President Academic Affairs conducts an extensive Seminar-Workshop on the Flexible Learning
System for AY 2022-2023 across campuses starting on August 2, 2022.

Each respective campus has its scheduled date where the regular faculty on their campus was directed
to attend the three-day training physically on their campuses.

On Main Campus, the faculty of the College of Education, College of Engineering, and College of Arts and
Sciences undergo the abovementioned training from August 30, 2022, until September 1, 2022, in
Centennial Bldg, CTU – Main Campus.

The said training primarily aims to equip the faculty with additional knowledge and skills to enhance
their teaching and learning preparations for the upcoming academic year.

Words by Almie Mata / CCM