On November 11, 2022, Cebu Technological University’s College of Education, in partnership with Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center, held its culminating activity with the theme “The hand that talks”. The said event was attended by Dr. Hediliza Pineda VP AA, Dean of CAS, and Dr. Danilo Cebe COED Asso. Dean, CTU Faculty, BS-NED, and CT-SPED Students. The activity was a product of the 1st batch of the community extension program which tackled the training and workshop of healthcare employees regarding “Filipino Sign Language” in compliance with the Filipino Sign Language Act (RA 11106). The training consisted of 16 Sessions of Deaf Awareness and a Filipino Sign Language Training Workshop with the partnership of Cebu Technological University.

The employees flawlessly showcased their newly-acquired skills at the event through song-to-sign language interpretation. Furthermore, the event’s outcome was a success as seen in the intermission by the employees. The project is also looking forward to extending the training for a 2nd batch this coming 2023.
Words by Dr. Regina Encarnacion-Sitoy and Jim Harvey Ouano, ICPA