Cebu Tech University San Fran Campus dreams of a green-themed resort campus

Layout by Jamile Pleños/TIF Layout artist

CTU San Francisco Campus conducted a seminar on “CTU: Towards Becoming a Green-Themed Resort Campus” facilitated by award-winning sustainable tourism advocate and a proud Porohanon, Mr. Boboi Costas on Dec. 14, 2022 at the Center for Limnological and Biodiversity Mariculture Studies Center.

The event was attended by all administrative staff, regular faculty, and non-teaching employees of the campus.

The speaker punctuated the campus’s need to analyze the diverse factors’ risk, hazards, exposure, crisis, and disaster better to capacitate adaptive technology and innovation toward sustainable programs.

“As a Sustainable Tourism advocate…my pledge is to help the PAs. I will help local governments and communities develop ecotourism in protected areas so that they will move to protect and move it’s biodiversity and cultural resources,” Costas declares.

The seminar’s open forum calls for a further training workshop to arm and cement future plans to realize the dream of a green-themed resort campus.

Words by Collin C. Garrido/CTU San Fran ICPA