Cebu Technological University (CTU) Tuburan Campus successfully inaugurated the new building of the College of Technology (COT) last November 25, 2022.
A 4-story building stood its ground all high and mighty as the students, faculty, and staff witnessed the cutting of the ribbon together with Dr. Jerry Letrondo, University Vice President for Administration and Finance, Dr. Ma. Carla Y. Abaquita, CTU Tuburan Campus Director, and Dr. Leo Lepiten, CTU Barili Campus Director.
Campus Director, Dr. Ma. Carla Y. Abaquita, spoke about the essence of the building for the students, that this building would be their second home, where they can sharpen their skills and abilities to become responsible youths in the future. The newly-added facility will surely benefit the students and faculty members in pursuing a quality education.
Words by Pinky Rondina, BAEL 2A & Armil Puriza BSIT-DT 2E