Through the collaboration project of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) – Cebu Province, Cebu Technological University – Barili Campus, and the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs) in Barili, DAR-Cebu successfully turned over the P1.5 million crop nursery with greenhouse facilities project to CTU Barili and its ARBO.
The crop nursery with a greenhouse facility funded by the Agrarian Reform Fund (ARF), is poised to provide crucial access to quality seeds and seedlings in the locality, ensuring the production of improved crop varieties and high-quality plant materials. It is expected to significantly elevate the levels of productivity and increase household incomes for local farmers.
In this project, CTU Barili’s role as an institution ushered the establishment and efficient implementation of the enterprise-based crop nursey with greenhouse facility and tissue culture for the Municipality of Barili on their ARBOs under the Sustainable and Resilient Agrarian Reform Communities (SARCs).
“The completion of this project is a testament to our dedication to fostering sustainable and resilient agricultural practices. The Greenhouse Facility and Crop Nursery will not only be a source of innovation and learning but a key driver in enhancing the economic well-being of our local farmers,” remarked Dr. Romeo C. Lepiten, the Director of CTU-Barili Campus.
The turnover ceremony was attended by the officials and staff of CTU Barili, DAR PARO Cebu, including representatives from different ARBOs.
As the crop nursery with greenhouse facility officially opens on January 11, 2024, the positive changes it will bring to local agriculture are anticipated. The project stands as a symbol of effective collaboration between academia and government, working hand in hand to foster sustainable and resilient agrarian reform communities. / Peter Enorio