Adeline P. Dela Cruz


Adeline P. Dela Cruz

Current Academic Rank: Associate Professor IV

Campus: Barili Campus

Designation: Campus Director

Department and College: Hospitality Management Department, College of Engineering, Technology, and Management


Research Interest(s):

  • Human Resource Management
  • Hospitality Management
  • Tourism Management
  • Food Innovation
  • Gender and Development
  • Women’s Studies


  • Doctorate degree(s) or equivalent: Doctor of Management, major in Human Resource Management
  • Masteral degree(s) or equivalent: Master of Business Administration, major in Hotel and Management
  • Bachelor degree(s): Bachelor of Business Management, major in Hotel and Restaurant Management
  • Other Degree(s): Doctor of Public Administration (54 units), Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) major in Administration and Supervision (Completed academic requirements), Certificate in Professional Education (Graduated)

Awards/ Recognition Received:

  • Bronze Service Award for 15 Years Service in CTU (2019)
  • Presidential Citation for Distinguished Leadership (2019)
  • Outstanding Teacher Award (2019).

Professional Affiliations/ Membership:

  1. Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
  2. Association of Administrators in the Hospitality Hotel and Restaurant Management Educational Institutions (AAHRMEI)
  3. Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Professionals (ITHP)
  4. Philippine Association of Real Estate Brokers (PAREB)/Cebu Real Estate Board (CEREB)
  5. Philippine Association of Researchers for Tourism and Hospitality (PARTH)
  6. Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP), Inc.

Current Project(s) grant(s) if any:

  1. N/A

Other links (please copy): (ORCID; google scholar; research gate)

  1. N/A

List of Publication in APA format (if any, please use additional sheets if necessary):

  1. Aller, Margie; Adeline P. dela Cruz, Alfredo C. Neri. “Development of Food Products from Millet.” Cebu City, Phils.: Tropical Journal (ISSN 1656-0264), Vol. 13, No. 1-2, Jan. to June 2010.