Campus Director | JUANITA PINOTE |
Phone Number/s | 4858290/ 4858076 |
Student Population (Undergraduate) as of October 2020 | 3, 639 |
Student Population (Graduate School) as of October 2020 | 115 |
Student Awards/Recognitions in the last 3 years | 650 |
Faculty Awards/Recognitions in the last 3 years | 5 |
Accredited Student Organizations as of 2020 | 14 |
Completed GAA-funded Researches in the last 3 years | 35 |
Completed Externally Funded Researches in the last 3 years | 7 |
Ongoing Infrastructure as of 2020 | 4 |
Local Linkages in the last 3 years | 9 |
Completed Extension Activities in the last 3 years | 26 |
Ongoing Extension Activities as of 2020 | 11 |
Fablabs | 1 |
Fablab Clients in the last 3 years | 35 |
Research Center Facilities | 1 |
Ongoing GAA-funded Researches as of 2020 | 17 |
Ongoing Externally Funded Researches as of 2020 | 2 |