CTU-AC hosts a visit of the Founding President of AQRA

Last October 17, 2022, Dr. Safary Wa-Mbaleka from Bethel University, Minnesota, the United States and Dr. Leo Aberion, the Founding President of the Asian Qualitative Research Association (AQRA) and the Studyplex Manager, respectively, paid a visit to Cebu Technological University – Argao Campus. 

These two dignitaries led the whole day’s talk about discourse analysis and qualitative research. The thorough lectures were attended by graduate school students and some members of the College of Arts and Sciences. 

Dr. Leo Aberion talked about the discourse analysis’s perspectives, while Dr. Safary Wa-Mbaleka spoke about how qualitative research can change communities. An interview with the identified participants for the third Doctorate of Dr. Safary was also conducted. This event opens the door to forming collaborations for qualitative research.



Words by April Jane G. Sales