CTU Bantayan conducts a Mental Health Awareness Seminar

Bracing for this nationwide mental health issue, the Cebu Technological University Guidance Office organized a Mental Health Awareness Seminar on November 24-25, 2022, at CTU-Bantayan Extension Campus’ covered court, with the theme: Make mental health for all a global priority.

The seminar is in partnership with the Local Government Unit of Bantayan headed by Honorable Mayor Arthur A. Despi through the Rural Health Unit. The invited speakers are four registered nurses from Bantayan Rural Health Unit, Mr. Remen B. Tinga, Mr. Jemasol Nicandro A. Lim, Ms. Mary Anne Rodriguez, and Ms. Mary Gee Pacifico. They discussed mental health issues such as depression, its types, and causes. They also discussed tips and remedies and how to cope with them. The resource speakers also talked about the Republic Act No. 11036, an Act Establishing a National Mental Health Policy to enhance the Delivery of Integrated Mental Health Services, Promote and Protect the Rights of Persons Utilizing Psychosocial Health Services, Appropriating Funds Therefore and other Purposes.

All students of CTU-Bantayan Extension Campus, including faculty members, participated in the discussions to gain perspectives on how to keep their minds healthy while dealing with their daily activities.

Getting support from the Rural Health Unit or other people, and looking after one’s mental health, can help prevent mental health problems from becoming more severe or long-term. Changing one’s life to tackle the causes of distress will also help – if possible. Most people with mental health problems can get over or learn to live with them, especially if they get help early on.

The seminar was timely organized as the students of CTU-Bantayan Extension just finished their examination week and need to be aware of their mental health after burning midnight candles.

The seminar was made possible through the efforts of the Steering Committee and the overall coordination of CTU-Bantayan Extension Campus Director Prof. Girlie F. Fariola and Guidance Counselor Mrs. Liwanag P. Coyoca.